Kracie 肌美精

Popin' Cookin' DIY Jelly Set | 知育果子 DIY魔法水波珠 22g

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Made in Japan
Net Weight: 22g


※1. 因果子製作較費時,如兒童使用時,請監護人在旁協助製作。 2. 請勿使用微波爐加熱。 3. 所附之配件請小心使用,勿戳喉嚨或眼睛;湯匙請勿含咬或吞下。 4. 果子製成後,請立即享用;食用前,請先將果子切成小塊再細嚼品嚐。 5. 商品表面上之白色粉末為澱粉,請安心食用。 6. 於高溫場所軟糖會有白色油脂釋出現象,為正常現象,請安心食用。***************
1) Please confirm the ingredients and do not take it if you have any food allergies.
2) Please take the daily recommended dosage and stop taking it when you feel abnormal.
3) Please confirm the ingredients and do not take it if you have any food allergies. For special populations (such as children, pregnant women, lactation, drug treatment, etc.), please consult a physician.
4) If you feel uncomfortable after use, please stop using it and consult a professional doctor.
5) Please close the seal immediately after eating and eat it as soon as possible.
6) Do not place in extremely hot or cold places, places exposed to direct sunlight.
7) Please keep out of reach of children.
8) Do not place in places where the sun hits or high temperatures.
9) Please be careful about fire.

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