Latest Service Update
Latest Updated on 11/6/2023
Free shipping for order $38+ to the US continental area¹. The estimated delivery time will be 5-9 business days.
Order is shipped from Hong Kong. We guarantee success delivery and offer compensation for any order issue. We will continue to offer follow-through support for your order.
High standard of services and quality is always on top of our mind regardless of any situation. Most of our orders are scanned for completeness, packed and shipped within 1-2 business days and meet fully fulfilled rate (meaning not canceling items due to shortage and without notification).
Most orders are shipped by our dedicated cargo flight and the last mile local delivery is provided by USPS. Some orders with eligible requirements, including order amount, parcel size vs weight ratio, non-custom sensitive item, could be automatically free upgraded with DHL or FedEx or other Express services accordingly.
¹Free Express shipping (FedEx/DHL) for order $109+ to Hawaii with conditions. The estimated delivery time will be 4-10 business days.
¹Free Shipping for order $38+ to the US continental states and it does not apply to the US outer islands with first 3-digit zips code of 006-009, 967-969, 995-999 as the shipping cost is higher than the US continental area caused by shortage of flight availability for this area.
For Hawaii, free express shipping (Fedex/DHL) for order $109+ with conditions. For order less than $109, a flat rate of shipping fee $20 is added to the order total.
For other remote area (Guam/Puerto Rico ects.), 12% shipping surcharge is added temporarily for the remote area due to limited air service to the certain area ($20 flat rate shipping for order <$120
Each case item in this Case Offer category is free shipping and is shipped individually from other items you purchase. This case item cannot be combined with other items to fulfil the amount for free shipping.
The additional surcharges, if applicable, will automatically appear for these states at check out before payment.
Also, we have launched the Miko Rewards to reward and offer the exclusives for our fans. You can not only get discount with purchase but get upgraded to higher tier to enjoy more offers, including early access discount coupons, gifts, priority, and surprises.
Again, we thank you so much for your support in the past difficult time and please expect our upcoming reward program for you and our US fans. For the coming year we will continue to offer more varieties of products and better services.
If you have any item suggestion, please submit this form so we can hear your voice.
If you have any question, please feel free to send us an email