重量:125 g
風靡全亞洲、經常賣斷市兼成為近年遊星洲必買手信的超人氣鹹蛋零食 成立兩年旋即俘虜新加坡人味蕾,成為當地最受歡迎鹹蛋零食品牌之一的金鴨(The Golden Duck Co.),金鴨手工鹹蛋魚皮,新加坡手工零食品牌金鴨的團隊跟一眾好食之徒一樣熱愛零食,品牌團隊從經典中菜上尋找靈感,其中鹹蛋就是中式菜餚其中一樣最常見的食材;而炸魚皮更是我們食粥、打邊爐不可或缺的必點小吃;於是就把香濃惹味的鹹蛋黃與香脆的炸魚皮及薯片結合,炮製出風靡新加坡,鹹中帶甜並有陣陣香草味道的邪惡滋味。 新加坡於兩年前牽起一股鹹蛋美食風潮,金鴨亦即成為當地人以及遊客的手信之選,短短兩年間在新加坡已售出超過50萬包。人氣之高讓新加坡當地全城售賣點的存貨經常被秒殺。零食更深受名人、食家喜愛,連平日健康型格的阿徐(徐濠縈)亦是粉絲之一! Open the pack, and the subtle aroma of curry leaves tells you something special is about to happen. The richness of salted egg yolk builds steadily in perfect harmony with the subtle, crisp smokiness of lightly fried fish skin. And what’s that? A hint of roasted coconut? Absolutely. A perfectly balanced snack sensation. INGREDIENTS |
View AllClose8 Reviews
新加坡金鴨 鹹蛋炸魚皮
Taste good but a bit expensive
Taste so goo
Taste so goo
Golden duck salted egg fish skin
Good, a little too salted.
Better than other brands
Not sure what’s added but the salted egg tasted a bit better than the other brands imo.
There is some sweetness to it
First time purchasing it. Thank you Mikoplace for having them available on your site. They are very crispy and a bit salty with a hint of sweetness. I would enjoy them more if sweetness is not there!
呢個炸魚皮好正, 食到停唔到口
This one is so good . I will order again
very very good
so glad I found the web site so I can able to eat this yummy food in all the way in USA